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Copying Callsign Certificates and Station Locations from One Computer to Another

If you have TQSL running on one computer (the source) and wish to set it up on a second computer (the destination), you must


Copying All Callsign Certificates and Station Locations to Another Computer

If you're running a recent version of TQSL, you can copy all of your Callsign Certificates, associated private keys, and Station Locations at once by

1. Directing TQSL to create a Backup File.
2. Copying the Backup File from the source computer to the destination computer.
3. On the destination computer, directing TQSL to restore Callsign Certificates and associated private keys, Station Locations, and Preferences from the copied Backup File.

Note that this procedure also copies TQSL's preferences from the source computer to the destination computer.

If you're running a version of TQSL that cannot create a Backup File, consider upgrading before moving. Otherwise, you can use the procedure below to copy your Callsign Certificates one at a time.

Copying One Callsign Certificate to Another Computer

Copying a Callsign Certificate (.tq6) file from one computer to another does not copy the associated private key, so TQSL running on the destination computer would be unable to digitally sign a log file. To copy a Callsign Certificate and its associated private key, one must direct TQSL to store them in a Certificate Container (.p12) file:

1. If you have not created a Certificate Container file for the Callsign Certificate you wish to copy,
    1.a Start TQSL on the source computer.
    1.b On the Callsign Certificates tab, click on the Callsign Certificate you wish to copy, and then click the Save callsign certificate button.
    1.c In the Enter the name for the new Certificate Container file dialog,
         1.c.1. Set Save in to a USB flash drive.
         1.c.2. Note the File name specified.
         1.c.3. Click the Save button.
    1.d In the Certificate Container Password dialog, leave the New password and Enter again to confirm boxes empty unless you are using a shared computer, in which case you should specify the same password in both boxes.
    1.e In the Click the OK button
2. Move the USB flash drive from the source computer to the destination computer.
3. On the destination computer, start TQSL and select the Callsign Certificate tab, which lists your Callsign Certificates.
    3.a Click the Load a Callsign Certificate button; in the Select Certificate file dialog that appears,
         3.a.1. Set Look in to the USB flash drive.
         3.a.2. Set the Files of type selector (on OS X, set the Enable selector) to Callsign Certificate container files (*.p12)
         3.a.3. Click on the Certificate Container file you copied in step 2.
         3.a.3. Click the Open button.
    3.b In the Load Certificate file dialog, enter the password you specified when you created the Certificate Container file (if any), and click the Next button; the New Password dialog will appear.
    3.c In the New Password dialog,
         3.c.1. If your computer is shared, specify a password in both textboxes; otherwise leave these boxes blank.
         3.c.2. Click the Ok button; the Load Certificate file dialog will display Loading complete.
    3.d In the Load Certificate file dialog, click the Finish button.