Logbook of The World
Logbook of The World

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Viewing Your LoTW VUCC Account and Applying for VUCC Award Credit

This topic assumes that you've already configured LoTW for use with VUCC awards.


  1. LoTW cannot be used to confirm mixed-mode QSOs. Confirmation of such QSOs must be accomplished with QSL cards.
  2. You can view confirmed QSOs with their VUCC Award status


Viewing an LoTW VUCC Award Account's Status

1. Log in to your LoTW Account
2. Click the Award tab, and in the Your LoTW ARRL VUCC Accounts section on the left side of the Logbook Awards page, select the VUCC Award Account whose status you wish to view:
LoTW will display the Account Status page:

Viewing Award Credits in your VUCC Record

You can view VUCC Award Credits granted to QSOs confirmed by QSL cards and by LoTW confirmations. To do so,

1. Log in to your LoTW Account
2. Click the Award tab, and in the Your LoTW ARRL VUCC Accounts section on the left side of theLogbook Awards page, select the VUCC Award Account whose status you wish to view:
LoTW will display the Account Status page; in the Award Account Menu on the left, click the Account Credits button, and LoTW will display the Account Credits page:
  • The heading, highlight A in the screen shot above, identifies the VUCC Award Account whose award credits being displayed.
  • Highlight B in the screenshot above identifies this as the Accounts Credits page
  • The Award Selector, highlight C in the screen shot above, lets you display a list of VUCC awards by clicking the V symbol at its right edge, and then clicking the entry for the desired award 
  • The Select VUCC Award to View button, highlight D in the screen shot above, displays VUCC Credits granted to LoTW confirmations for the award chosen in the Award Selector 
  • The View selector, highlight E in the screen shot above, determines how VUCC Award Credits are displayed:
    • Pending credits: lists grid squares with which you have QSOs confirmed via LoTW that would advance your progress towards the selected award, but to which VUCC Award Credit has not yet been granted (either because the confirmation has not been included in an application, or has been included in an application that has not yet been processed and approved)
    • All credits: lists grid squares with which you have Pending credits for the selected award, and grid squares with which you haveVUCC Credit granted for the selected award (based only on LoTW confirmations)
    • All entities: lists grid squares with which you have Pending credits for the selected award, grid squares with which you have VUCC Credit granted for the selected award (based only on LoTW confirmations), and grid squares with which you have no VUCC Credit granted for the selected award
  The screen shot below shows Pending credits for the VUCC 50 MHz Award:
  For each grid square on the list, the hyperlinked callsign of your confirmed QSO is displayed. Traversing the hyperlink displays the details of the confirmed QSO:


Applying for VUCC Award Credit

1. Log in to your LoTW Account
2. Click the Award tab, and in the Your LoTW ARRL VUCC Accounts section on the left side of the Logbook Awards page, select the VUCC Award Account for which you intend to submit an application:
LoTW will display the Account Status page; in the Award Account Menu on the left, click the Application button, and LoTW will display the VUCC Award Application -- Part 1 page:
  The above table contains one row for each VUCC award for which you have at least one qualifying LoTW confirmation:
  • the VUCC Award column displays the name of the award
  • the LoTW Grids Available column indicates the number of grid squares confirmed via LoTW
  • the Apply column contains a box that when checked indicates that the row's award should be included in this application
  • the Credit Status column lists each grid square confirmed via LoTW to which VUCC Award Credit has not yet been granted; if the word Missing appears, as is the case in the VUCC 144 MHz row in the screen shot above, it precedes the number of additional grid squares that must be confirmed via LoTW or QSL card before an award can be issued.
3. To include an award in your application, check its box in the Apply column.

The fee is the sum of

  • $.15 for each VUCC Award Credit
  • for US members of the ARRL,
    • $15.00 for each VUCC Award Certificate
    • $4.00 for each VUCC Endorsement Sticker
  • for non-US members of the ARRL,
    • $21.00 for each VUCC Award Certificate
    • $8.00 for each VUCC Endorsement Sticker

In the example below, the first row of the table shows that more than 100 grid squares have been confirmed on 50 MHz via LoTW, so the user has selected that award:

  LoTW will allow you to select an award for which not all grids are confirmed via LoTW. However, the award will not be issued until you make a separate application with QSL cards confirming the requisite number of grid squares. In the example above, the user could check the VUCC 144 MHz box, submit the LoTW application for 1 LoTW-confirmed grid, and then make a separate application with QSL cards to confirm the remaining 99 grid squares.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the Continue button; LoTW will display Part 2 of the VUCC Award Application, on which you can confirm the VUCC Certificates, Endorsement Stickers, and Award Credits to be purchased:
  Note that LoTW automatically chooses the confirmed QSO to be submitted for each grid square. Where more than one confirmed QSO could be chosen, you could alter the choice by viewing your confirmed QSOs with the Award Account selector set to VUCC, but there is no reason to do so.
5. After confirming the selected purchases in Part 2, click the Continue button at the bottom of page, and LoTW will display Part 3 of the VUCC Award Application:
6. Specify your callsign, name, address, and email address on the Part 3 page, and click the Continue button; LoTW will display Part 4 of the VUCC Award Application:
7. Review the summary of fees, specify your payment information on the Part 4 page, and click the Continue button; LoTW will display a page confirming that your application has been submitted:


Viewing Your Application History

1. Log in to your LoTW Account
2. Click the Award tab, and in the Your LoTW ARRL VUCC Accounts section on the left side of the Logbook Awards page, select the VUCC Award Account whose status you wish to view:
LoTW will display the Account Status page; in the Award Account Menu on the left, click the Application History button, and LoTW will display the Applications page:
  Clicking on a hyperlinked Date/Time in the table in the above screen shot will display the details of that application.

The # Paper QSLs Accepted and Reason columns are not used