Logbook of The World
Logbook of The World

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Viewing Your LoTW WAZ Account and Applying for WAZ Award Credit

This topic assumes that you've already configured LoTW for use with WAZ awards, and explains how to

Note: You can view confirmed QSOs with their WAZ Award status


Viewing an LoTW WAZ Award Account's Status

1. Log in to your LoTW Account
2. Click the Awards tab, and in the Your LoTW ARRL WAZ Accounts section on the left side of the Logbook Awards page, select the WAZ Award Account whose status you wish to view:
LoTW will display the Account Status page:
  • The heading, highlight A in the screen shot above, identifies the WAZ Award Account whose status is being displayed.
  • The account information, highlight B in the screen shot above, identifies the Station Callsigns whose LoTW confirmations are included in this WAZ Award Account, and shows linkage to your WAZ Record
  • The Account Status table, highlight C in the screen shot above, displays one row for each award in the WAZ family. In this table,
    • The WAZ Award column specifies the award name, whose hyperlink displays credit for this award.
    • The New LoTW QSLs column shows the number of LoTW confirmations that you could apply for new credit for the row's award.
    • The LoTW QSLs in Process column shows the number of LoTW confirmations that you've included in an application for award credit but have not yet been granted that credit.
    • The WAZ Credits Awarded column shows the the award credits already granted for the row's award.
    • The Total column is the sum of the New LoTW QSLs, LoTW QSLs in Process, and WAZ Credits Awarded columns.
    • An asterisk in the WAZ Account status means "have qualifed for award".

Viewing Award Credits in your WAZ Record

You can view WAZ Award Credits granted to QSOs confirmed by LoTW confirmations. If you send email to the CQ WAZ award manager asking that specific CQ WAZ award credits be uploaded to LoTW along with proof that those credits were awarded, the specified WAZ Award Credits granted to QSOs confirmed by means other than LoTW will be marked in LoTW as awarded, and displayed with an asterisk. Specify the CQ Award Credits to be uploaded using one of these two spreadsheets:

Any of the following are acceptable proof:

  • the Certificate Request Letter you received from the CQ WAZ award manager when the credits were awarded
  • a copy of your CQ WAZ Certificate
  • a Checkpoint signed application approved by the CQ WAZ award manager


To view your WAZ Award Credits,

1.   Log in to your LoTW Account  
2.   Click the Awards tab, and in the Your LoTW ARRL WAZ Accounts section on the left side of theLogbook Awards page, select the WAZ Award Account whose status you wish to view:
LoTW will display the Account Status page; in the Award Account Menu on the left, click the Account Credits button, and LoTW will display the Account Credits page:
  • The heading, highlight A in the screen shot above, identifies the WAZ Award Account whose status is being displayed.
  • Highlight B in the screenshot above identifies this as the Accounts Credits page
  • The Award Selector, highlight C in the screen shot above, lets you display a list of WAZ awards by clicking the V symbol at its right edge, and then clicking the entry for the desired award 
  • The Select WAZ Award to View button, highlight D in the screen shot above, displays WAZ Credits for the award chosen in the Award Selector for the WAZ Record linked to the selected WAZ Award Account
  • The View selector, highlight E in the screen shot above, determines how WAZ Award Credits are displayed:
    • Pending credits: lists WAZ entities with which you have QSOs confirmed via LoTW that would advance your progress towards the selected award, but to which WAZ Award Credit has not yet been granted (either because the confirmation has not been included in an application, or has been included in an application that has not yet been processed and approved)
    • All credits: lists WAZ entities with which you have Pending credits for the selected award, and WAZ entities with which you have WAZ Credit granted for the selected award (based on LoTW or QSL card confirmations)
    • All entities: lists WAZ entities with which you have Pending credits for the selected award, WAZ entities with which you have WAZ Credit granted for the selected award (based on LoTW or QSL card confirmations), and WAZ entities with which you have no WAZ Credit granted for the selected award 
    The screen shot below shows Pending credits for the WAZ 10m CW Award, sorted in CQ Zone order:  
    For each entity on the list, the hyperlinked callsign of your confirmed QSO is displayed. Traversing the hyperlink displays the details of the confirmed QSO:  


Applying for WAZ Award Credit

The process of appying for WAZ Award Credit via LoTW is accomplished in two stages:

  1. optionally adjust LoTW's selection of confirmed QSOs that are candidates for inclusion in a future WAZ application 
  2. submit an application that includes confirmed QSOs for the WAZ awards you are pursuing

When the processing of your application is complete, your LoTW confirmations will be conveyed to the CQ WAZ Award Manager. You can then apply to CQ for awards, plaques, or pins.

Hybrid Applications

If you wish to submit QSL cards in addition to LoTW confirmations,

  1. submit your LoTW confirmations first, using the process described below
  2. download a copy of the WAZ Application Form spreadsheet
  3. specify the zones confirmed via QSL cards in the WAZ Application Form spreadsheet, and complete the Form
  4. email a copy of the completed WAZ Application Form spreadsheet to the WAZ Manager
  5. present the CQ application to a CQ Checkpoint, or mail the QSL cards and a printout of the WAZ Application Form spreadsheet to the WAZ Manager


  • The service fee for conveying LoTW confirmations to the CQ WAZ Award Manager is $8.00 for up to 40 LoTW confirmations conveyed, and $.12 for each additional confirmation conveyed
  • CQ requires an application fee for your award, and payment for plaques, pins, postage, etc. See the CQ WAZ web pages for details.

Viewing and Selecting Candidate QSOs

To view QSOs confirmed via LoTW that are currently selected candidates for inclusion in a future WAZ application and (if desired) modify those selections, follow these instructions.

Submitting an Application

1. Log in to your LoTW Account
2. Click the Award tab, and in the Your LoTW ARRL WAZ Accounts section on the left side of the Logbook Awards page, select the WAZ Award Account for which you intend to submit an application:
LoTW will display the Account Status page; in the Award Account Menu on the left, click the Application button, and LoTW will display the Transfer LoTW Confirmations to CQ WAZ Award Manager -- Part 1 page:
3. The page shown in the screen shot above displays a table with one row for each QSO confirmed via LoTW that would if submitted advance your WAZ Award progress, and one column for each WAZ award; columns will not appear for any of the 160M, 6M, EME, Satellite or 5-Band WAZ awards that you have already attained. Use your web browser's horizontal and vertical scroll bars to view the entire table:
  • The WAZ Zone column identifies the confirmed QSO's CQ Zone
  • The QSL column identifies the confirmed QSO's Callsign; each callsign is hyperlinked to a page showing the QSO's details.  
  • The third column provides a box that if checked means "submit this row's QSO"
    • clicking the Check all hyperlink in the column's caption will check the box in every row
    • clicking the Clear all hyperlink in the column's caption will check the box in every ro 
  • The Awards columns contain an X for each WAZ Award for which credit will be granted if the row's QSO is submitted
4.  In this sample application, we'll submit confirmations needed for the WAZ Mixed award by first clicking the Clear All hyperlink (to remove any previous selections) and then clicking the Mixed hyperlink:
  LoTW will select one confirmed QSO from each CQ zone, checking the box in the third column of each selected QSO.
5. Scrolling to the bottom of the web page and clicking the Update and save selections button will record your selections, allowing you to return to this step of the application process later if desired. Clicking the Continue -> button at the bottom of the page displays the Transfer LoTW Confirmations to CQ WAZ Award Manager -- Part 2 page:
6. In the Confirmations column, check the box to to transfer your LoTW confirmations for the Mixed WAZ award to the CQ WAZ Award Manager:
  This example illustrates an application for one WAZ award; if desired, additional awards could be selected in steps 4, 5, and 6 above.
7. Click the Continue -> button at the bottom of the page to display the Transfer LoTW Confirmations to CQ WAZ Award Manager -- Part 3 page:
8. To proceed, fill in any information missing from the above page's textboxes:
  • the Callsign for this WAZ record
  • your name as you want it to appear on any award certificates issued as a result of this application
  • the address to which such award certificates should be sent
  • your email address

Proceed by clicking the Continue -> button to display the Transfer LoTW Confirmations to CQ WAZ Award Manager -- Part 4 page:

9. The service fee for conveying LoTW confirmations to the CQ WAZ Award Manager is $8.00 for up to 40 LoTW confirmations conveyed, and $.12 for each additional confirmation conveyed. Specify your payment details, and click the Continue button at the bottom of the page; LoTW will display a summary of your application.

CQ requires an application fee for your award, and payment for plaques, pins, postage, etc. Please visit the CQ WAZ web pages for details and complete information about CQ WAZ awards. Please direct any questions to WAZ award manager John Bergman, KC5LK.


Viewing Your Application History

1. Log in to your LoTW Account
2. Click the Award tab, and in the Your LoTW ARRL WAZ Accounts section on the left side of theLogbook Awards page, select the WAZ Award Account whose status you wish to view:
LoTW will display the Account Status page; in the Award Account Menu on the left, click the Application History button, and LoTW will display the Applications page:

Clicking on a hyperlinked Date/Time in the table in the above screen shot will display the details of that application.

The # Paper QSLs Accepted and Reason columns are not used.